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Chairman’s Message

Walid Khalid Issa Taha (Chairman)

Since the foundation of The Eastern Company in 1988, over 30 years of dedication, patience and professionalism have meant that we have achieved and maintained our success despite the many challenges that have faced us.  We continue to develop, learning and advising, and successfully achieving key milestones towards our goal of rebuilding Iraq.  I strongly believe that our success and growth reflects the improving prosperity and dignity of the people of Iraq.

I believe that it is necessary to commit ourselves completely, and to manitain the highest standards and principles.  Empowering, teaching, and setting an example of excellence and integrity is the best way to inspire people into believing that failure is not an option. 

I have created a dynamic business environment that evokes creativity, imagination, innovation, and inventive business practices. This empowers our employees to develop and expand their career and personal horizons; it empowers our partners and associates with a much greater sense of understanding of Iraq; it empowers all with a greater global sense of understanding; and that diversity of religious belief systems can co-exist in Iraq.   Iraq is unique in the Middle East - we are multi-cultural, rich in natural and human resources.  I am confident that the emerging generation of talented, creative professionals is the key to a successful future.  We are one nation and we are proud to be Iraqis.

I am proud that Taha & Partners Group has the best people, organisations and assets in Iraq.

I am proud that we have acheved this with integrity, passion and determination and cultivated unwaivering loyalty in our employees.   

I am proud that we can, with absolute confidence and conscience, provide the best service to our partners, associates and clients internationally and in Iraq.  

I am honoured to be the Ambassador at Large of Antigua & Barbuda in Iraq.  This empowers me to generate economic progress to both Iraq and Antigua & Barbuda. 

I am proud to be the Chairman of Taha & Partners Group (TPG) as we enter the third decade of the 21st century. 

I swear my total commitment to my employees, my partners and clients to sustain my dedication and persistence to our vision: to revive our country from its past troubles, rebuild our nation and restore prosperity and dignity to the people of Iraq.

I warmly welcome all prospective international and national partners with open arms:  Taha & Partners Group will give you the confidence to invest and flourish in the countless opportunities in Iraq.  Iraq needs your expertise, your attention and your professional investment.  

Success for one is success for all

With the Greatest of Sincerety,

Walid Khalid Issa Taha
CEO & Chairman

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